
Camp Rotary Online Reservation Request Form

 Reservations for the camp can be requested by leadership members of a scout group, youth group, school, church, public safety (Police, Fire, EMS) or other good will organizations. Scouts with a current or historic association to the camp are also welcomed to request access.

 Company or family groups may request reservations on a limited basis. However, due to previous issues, a verified referral policy has been put in place. The following persons can "stand witness" for your (company or family) good conduct and responsibility: 1) Any Board Member of the Rotary Scout Reservation Foundation 2) Senior Scout Troop / Pack Leadership 3) Senior Youth Group Leadership 4) Senior company management / owner 5) Pastor, Preacher, Deacon, Prelate, or otherwise senior titled leader of a religious organization 6) Teachers, Administrators, Principal, etc. for Schools, colleges / educational institutes. 

 To help defray the cost associated with utilities, maintenance and improvements, a $2 per person, per night, fee is requested for overnight stays. This fee is waived when campers complete a service project(s) during their visit or participates in the "Plant a tree, Stay for free" project. For more information, click on the "Volunteer at Camp Rotary" button or "Plant a tree" icon below. Any individual, group or organization obtaining authorization to be at Camp Rotary does so with the understanding and agreement that they do so at their own risk. All administrative and financial activities are directed to the Board Treasurer. Mr. Ben Rogers Esq.  

volunteer.png PlantATree

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 By clicking the Submit Request button, you agree that you have reviewed Camp Rotary policies and that all members of your group will abide by the same camp policies (shown below). Further, all visitors understand and agree their use of the camp is at their own risk. The Rotary Scout Reservation is not in any way responsible for visitor possessions, health, safety or well being. 

Camp Policies